Saturday, October 13, 2007

Local Newspaper Coverage of Craft Beer

Recently our local paper, The Free Lance-Star has been running articles on the craft beer scene. The articles are pulled from news services, rather than written in-house. I suspect someone on the staff has an interest in craft beer.

Beer makers spice up offerings for autumn - Pour Yourself A Pumpkin (9/26/2007)
Discusses pumpkin beers. Weyerbacher Brewing Co. and Shipyard Brewing Co. get mentions.

Dinner that calls for wine can say 'beer' (9/26/2007)
The author talks about "The Brewmaster's Table" by Garrett Oliver.

Oktoberfest beers alive and well (10/3/2007)
Talks about the popularity of Märzen / Oktoberfest style beers.

HOPPY TRAILS TO YOU SEARCHING FOR SUDS - Wine tours? Nah. Not for beer snobs (10/13/2007)
Travelling to breweries and festivals.

Coincidence or an interested staffer? In any event, it's great to see craft beer getting some press time in front of the general public.

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