By coincidence, I ended up having beers from the Legend Brewing Company in Richmond, VA with both football games I watched this weekend. On Saturday it was the Patriots - Giants game at a friend's house. I had recently given my buddy Frank a bottle of Legend Pale Ale and he shared it last night. It was one of the beers we enjoyed as the Patriots broke numerous NFL records. Legend Pale Ale pours a clear copper-orange color with a thick head. There’s a pleasing citrus hop aroma. The aroma has hints of peaches and other fruits. The taste is clean with a nice citrus hop tang. The aftertaste has some piney hops, along with a good malt balance. This is a refreshing and pleasing APA. I had never tried this one before but would not hesitate to have it again.

Both games saw favorable outcomes for our favored teams. The two beers from an old Virginia brewery added to the enjoyment.
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