Sunday, February 10, 2008

And on to Boy Scouts ...

This afternoon my boys crossed a milestone along their journey to adulthood. The boys in the Cub Scout den I've worked with for the past three and a half years all became Boy Scouts. I first got involved when my son joined Cub Scouts and the Pack was short adult assistance. I started as an Assistant Den Leader, did a brief stint as Assistant Pack Master, and for the past year and a half guided as a Webelos Den Leader. Working with the boys the last 18 months was especially rewarding. The Webelos projects move beyond the simpler activities of the previous years, and are geared toward preparing for the maturity and independence of Boy Scouts. I could really see the boys developing into young adults.

It was with no small amount of pride, that I approached the day when my son and 7 other boys would bridge over to Boy Scouts. All eight of the boys had earned their Arrow of Light award, the highest award in Cub Scouting, and they were all staying together and joining the same Boy Scout Troop. I am proud that they all have reached this stage admirably. Of course, I also looked forward to the lessened demands on my time. That anticipated change was not to be though. I was asked to follow the boys into the Boy Scout Troop as an Assistant Troop Leader, and I did accept that invitation. I truly believe that Scouting is a great influence for developing boys into gentlemen and upstanding citizens, I could not refuse to continue to contribute towards that end. I guess there are a few more camping trips in my future!

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