Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Heading to Raleigh and the World Beer Festival

Friday afternoon some friends and I are heading to Raleigh for a bit of a mancation and to attend the World Beer Festival. Saturday also happens to be Frank's birthday so we'll include some celebration of that event as well. Our plans call for us to arrive in Raleigh Friday afternoon. We'll search out a local establishment offering "meat and beer" and settle in there for a spell. Saturday afternoon we'll hit the festival. Of course, we'll take in more of the local craft beer scene Saturday evening (suggestions welcome.)

I won't be blogging from WBF, so watch for a report next week. However, I will try to send some notes via Twitter on occasion. If you are so inclined you can follow me. I'd welcome the opportunity meet up with any readers of these Musings. I'll be wearing the beige Blue & Gray Brewery cap. Or send me email in advance via the contact link.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Dave... since you are wandering down that way, I know some of them folks in Raleigh are disappointed with the lack of Troegs Nugget Nectar. If you're the type to swap some brews, there is some demand for it - might get you some nice things in return... even if just the knowledge that you made someones day.

    There's some comments about it at if it's of any interest. Unfortunately, I'm not able to make it out to this particular event, but have a good time... it looks like it should be a good one!


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