Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FABTS Meeting This Weekend

The next meeting of the Fredericksburg Area Brewing and Tasting Society is this Saturday, July 12. Mark your calendars now as this promises be an interesting tasting session.

Since July is traditionally American Beer Month, the July theme will be "American Ales". If the style name has "American" in it, it counts. American Wheat, American Pale Ale, American Amber Ale, American Brown Ale, American Stout, American IPA, and American Barleywine are all included. In addition to commercial brews, home brews of any style are welcome and often brought in by members for sharing.

The monthly meetings are held at Kybecca on Plank Road in the Ukrops shopping center. Meetings start at 1:30 PM and end when all the beers have been tasted. There's a minimal $5.00 tasting fee, to keep the alcohol revenuers happy. Beers are donated by members. For more information see the FABTS website. You can also read about some previous FABTS meetings here. FABTS meetings are always a lot of fun, informal, and a great learning experience. I hope to see you there!


  1. I'll be in Richmond at the Commonwealth Games fencing competition. Grr...

  2. Chris, too bad. Maybe next month, the theme will be meads. :-)


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