Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On to a new adventure says Clipper City's Cizauskas

Friend and fellow blogger, Thomas 'Tom' Cizauskas has announced his decision to leave the employ of Clipper City Brewing. When I read the news, my first thought was of all those fresh casks that Tom brings to so many beer events and tasting sessions.

Tom has probably done more to introduce folks to fresh cask ales in this area, and throughout the South, than anyone I know. He is enthusiastic and knowledgeable on the subject and made it a point to bring casks to many of the events and dinners he attended on behalf of Clipper City. Whether the cask is being served indoors, or outdoors in oppressive heat, you can be sure the cask is being properly handled. I've enjoyed quite a few Clipper City beers from fresh casks thanks to Tom. He's now going to go to work for Select Wines, a wholesaler in northern Virginia that distributes wine and good beers, including Clipper City, Otter Creek, Flying Dog, Brooklyn, Stouts and Allagash. I think this move could be seen as good news for area craft beer fans. His new position provides the hope for fresh casks of an even larger variety being served at area events. Hopefully the breweries will recognize the opportunity presented, as did Clipper City, and provide casks for local events. (That's a hint from me to Mr. Oliver. :-)

Tom emphasized that his leaving Clipper City is voluntary and the change is done with no ill will. He remains a big fan of Clipper City beers, and told me his favorites "are the Red Sky and the Winter Storm, and of course the casks of Loose Cannon." That's exactly the same answer I would give if asked about my favorite Clipper City beers. (See, the man does have good taste. :-) Factoring in his decision is his desire to travel less in order to stay close to his elderly mother. Who can fault a son for that? I wish Tom the best in his new adventure and look forward to see him pulling from a fresh cask very soon.

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