I poured the Blue & Gray Oktoberfest into a Blue & Gray pint glass. A hard pour produced a bubbly beige head that dropped very rapidly. The beer is a dark tea color with a slight red tint. A very faint sweet malt aroma can be detected. My impression of the flavor is malt, and more malt. There's a slight sweet note at the start. The finish is dry and the malt flavor lingers in the mouth. The mouthfeel is moderately thick and slightly creamy.
Blue & Gray Oktoberfest is currently available in a limited number of 22 oz. bottles. After September 12, the beer will be available for growler fills at the brewery. And, the beer will be available at the annual Blue & Gray Oktoberfest. This year's celebration is a three-day affair, Friday, September 26, 2008 - Sunday, September 28, 2008. I suggest picking up your supply of the Oktoberfest beer early. I recall last year I visited the brewery the day after the Oktoberfest celebration only to find the beer was sold out.
The Oktoberfest is delicious. I would agree with the comments on flavors. I was bummed that I couldn't bring home a growler full, but I was able to snag one full of the Hefeweizen before it goes away until next summer.