Old Dominion Octoberfest pours a reddish-brown color with a moderately thin, off-white head that leaves little lacing as it drops. The aroma is malty with some faint notes of cinnamon and vanilla. The flavor has a smooth caramel malt base with a mild spice background; mainly cinnamon and perhaps some ginger. The spices are very mild but pleasing. The finish has some lingering hop bitterness. Checking in at a moderate 5.80% ABV, the beer is smooth and easy to drink.
I always enjoy the Märzen / Oktoberfest beers that make their appearance in late Summer. The selection from Old Dominion is the first I've seen this season and I couldn't resist trying it out right away. The beer was very enjoyable and has me eagerly anticipating the selections from other breweries. Octoberfest beers will begin showing up on store shelves over the next few weeks and I'll be ready for them.
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