Friday, October 31, 2008

Shooting Creek Opposition Appeals ABC Ruling

The Roanoke Times is reporting that neighbors opposed to the opening of the Shooting Creek Brewery have appealed the operation's license. Virginia ABC granted a license to the Floyd County brewery after a contentious hearing in September. A group consisting of David Elliott, Jean and Paul Lacoste, Gloria Underwood and the Rev. Warren Brown of Faith Baptist Church will present their appeal on Tuesday, November 2.

The brewery's license allows them to brew up to 10,000 barrels of beer a year for off-premises consumption. However, patrons are only allowed to sample up to 4 ounces of beer at the on-premise tasting room. Despite the limited on-premise consumption, the local neo-prohibitionists claim that the brewery would "disrupt the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood."

No matter what the decision on Tuesday, either side will be able to appeal to the Floyd County Circuit Court.

The complete Roanoke Times story here.
Previous Shooting Creek coverage here.

1 comment:

  1. You know I emailed the brewery itself last week. Here is the response I got:
    Hello Edmond,

    We're pretty optimistic about our being open sometime this winter, however it is somewhat hard to project exactly when at the moment due to our ongoing hearing process. There's still another round of appeals to go through.

    I've been sort of pecking away at our blog which is linked to our website ( and that's where I hope to answer most of those questions as the information avails itself. Currently we're due to attend another VABC hearing on the 6th of Nov. after which point the objectors have an additional 30 days to file an appeal and then it goes to the County Circuit Court.

    I've been maintaining a list of all the inquiries we've received and I'll be sending out a mass email as soon as we get something concrete.

    Thanks for your continued interest in Shooting Creek Brewery. We look forward to seeing you soon.

    Best Wishes,


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