Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November Giveaway Sponsored by Flying Dog

This month's giveaway is sponsored by our friends at Flying Dog Brewery. They've sent a cool Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter t-shirt (size XL) that I'll give away at the end of November.

To enter, simply contribute a comment to any post on this blog throughout the month of November and you will be entered into a drawing for the t-shirt. I'll select one name at random at the end of the month. Each accepted and published comment in November will be counted as an entry in the drawing.* It's that simple. Enjoy, and good luck!

*Those of you who have hidden profiles will need to provide contact verification if you win. :-)


  1. I guess I will just enter here!I think that is a pretty cool shirt so I hope to win it! Thanks a bunch!

  2. Very cool tshirt! I love it :)
    Please enter me. Thank you!!
    Crystal Adkins

  3. David - are you a "student" of Darren Rowse (Problogger) by chance? Love the giveaways - great idea for boosting traffic.

  4. Chipper, I do subscribe to the Problogger feed, but he's WAAY out of my league. :-)

  5. oooh I hope I win!

  6. I had a $3 pint of this at the Irish Pol in Philly. Delicious, but I was disappointed that I didn't get the urge to wield a shotgun afterward.

  7. oooo nice! ralph steadman does great work!

  8. Might as well enter a comment. First saw this from a tweet by Flying Dog.

  9. This is probably one of my favorite FD designs and a great tribute to a great but odd man. Thanks Flying Dog!

  10. Flying Dog Porter
    One of my most favorites
    Very drinkable

  11. Flying Dog is promoting you on twitter - it's how I found you! Great blog!

  12. Snazzy shirt for a snazzy beer from a snazzy blog!

  13. Awesome shirt. I am addicted to imperial porters and stouts. I want it.

  14. Please enter me, I'd really like to win this cute t-shirt :)

  15. i'm baaaaack. ;) consider me entered for today. great blog too.

  16. The Gonzo may be Flying Dog's best beer. If only I knew a place that had it on tap in the Philly area...

  17. Do these t-shirts come in different sizes? :D

    I'm half tortured that I can't get Flying Dog beers since I moved to Germany, but a t-shirt would do nicely. I could try to explain to the German beer drinkers what Snake Dog IPA or Dogtoberfest is, but I'd rather drink one...

  18. Great idea, and a great donation from the Flying Dog crew! I'm upset that this site wasn't on my radar before Flying Dog's Twitter feed sent me here... but it will be now!

  19. Exciting stuff. Nothing like a gonzoesque flying dog shirt to really celebrate beer.

  20. David-
    Keep Musing! It’s infusing!
    As I was reading your descriptions, I was reminded that I tasted several beers last July at your suggestion. Sorry for the late feedback but here goes:
    Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA-
    Nice amber color, excellent balance, good bitter aftertaste (nice use of bittering hops), pleasant hops essence but not quite citrusy enough for my taste.
    Delirium Tremens-
    Too sweet with unpleasant aftertaste (similar to Quaking Aspen)
    Firestone Pale Ale-
    Complex and well balanced, very fine, very smooth, not quite hoppy enough for me but very pleasant
    Stone IPA-
    Very fine! Well balanced w/ good bitterness, not quite enough citrus

  21. Greg,
    Always happy to hear I've inspired someone to try a new beer, or 4.
    Like those hop bombs do ya? :-)


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