Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Food and Beer Online Lookup Tool

Here's another fun online tool for looking up beer and food pairings. This one is brought to us by Michigan Live. The Flash application presents beer suggestions for a variety of foods. As with the Wisconsin Cheese Cupid website mentioned recently, this site also has a regional focus. In addition to general beer style recommendations, the suggested pairings include specific beers from Michigan brewers such as Arcadia, Bell's, Founders, and New Holland, among others.

The web page also includes advice from some Michigan experts, including Fred Bueltmann from New Holland Brewing Company. I do enjoy seeing these sorts of articles online where they are seen by folks who may not be familiar with matching food and beer. Simple, and non-intimidating. It's good beer evangelization. And, since we can get some of the suggested Michigan beers here in Virginia, it will be easy to try out some of the suggestions!

Visit the Michigan Beer and Food page here.

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