Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Complete World of Beer Styles - Christmas Giveaway

Last week I profiled The Complete World of Beer Styles from All About Beer magazine. Thanks to the generosity of the folks at All About Beer, I've obtained some extra copies of the guide. To celebrate the holiday season, I'll be giving away a couple of copies to some lucky readers of this blog.

During the next week, pick your favorite beer style, or one of them, and submit a reply to this post. Tell us what style you chose and why you chose it. (Please limit yourself to one comment.) I'll accept entries through December 23 and pick 2 random winners on Christmas Eve, December 24.

And don't forget about the December Brooklyn Brewery bar stool giveaway. Your favorite beer style comment will also be counted as an entry in that drawing too.

Update December 24: We have our winners...
Velky Al of Prague, Czech Republic and Alexander D. Mitchell IV of Baltimore, MD. Congratulations to both of you. Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get the Beer Styles Guide in the mail to you.


  1. My personal favorite style is American Barleywine. I love a big warming beer with the complexity of high malt sweetness, a perfect hop counterpart, and the ability to age well. My favorite examples are Sierra Nevada Bigfoot and Rouge Old Crustacean.

  2. IPA.

    So many choices, so many good beers. Love the combo of bitterness and sweetness. Looking at my blog, I have 5 IPA's in my top 10 ranked.

    Have a great Holiday!

  3. My favorite style for years is American IPA (Belgian Triple is closing fast on the #1 spot). I love my hops and bitterness. IPA is always my go-to beer when going to a party or in a bar.

  4. My favorite is Porter, though that is a little general. Dark malt flavors with a lighter body make this delicious and easier to drink then a stout.

  5. I love hops, but I do tend to go toward the maltier styles... My favorite styles would either be Scottish, with the earthy sweetness they usually have, or marzens... clean, crisp with lovely toasted malts. Delicious. But I've at times past described lots of styles as my favorite... DIPA, barleywine, doppelbock, weizenbock, so really, my favorite style of beer is any beer that is well made.

    I am an All About Beer subscriber, so I will recuse myself from the Beer Styles giveaway, but I do still have my eye on that barstool!

  6. I am a dedicated stout man myself, ever since my first, legal, beer - a Guinness in an attempt to be like my big brother, who I looked up to at the time. Nothing is more satisfying as a well made pint of the black stuff, in particular O'Hara's.

  7. If you're going to force me to pick a style according to BJCP rules, I may have to end up saying Scottish ales in general--and no distinguishing between Scottish, "Scotch", the various shillings, etc. It may be my heritage, but I just tend to lean towards maltier, slightly sweet beers.

    But actually, the other part of the answer is "not otherwise identified by name"--the experimental gruits, braggots, prickly-pear-cactus wheat beer, chocolate-cinnamon porter, you name it.......

  8. I've given this some thought and my choice isn't really what you would call a style. I am big of the Oak Aged beers across the board. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if in time BJCP rules are altered to create a category for oak aged beers. I believe by using this method to age beers brewers in fact are creating a different beer altogether. The flavors you can get from Oak barrels (or even Palo Santo barrels) just brings a new level of complexity.

  9. This is tough, you want us to pick just one favorite. Ok, here goes, my all time favorite beer has to be the Belgian Trippel from South Street Brewing, their's mellowed the bitter hoppy taste somehow. But lest I digress, you asked for a style, not a particular single beer, and I'll admit to not liking some other variations of the Trippel. So since it's Christmas, and the cold weather is uppon us, this time of year my favorite style is a stout. Fills you up, and keeps you warm. I prefer this style of beer until late spring, when the warm weather mellows my enthusiasm for the dark overtones of the stout. But catch me in a cold bar and you might see me with one in the summer (if I've been to the gym to work off the extra calories).

  10. For me it's definately IPA. An India Style Pale Ale, has that all important after taste to me. The semi-syrup...thickness of an IPA and the bitterness is what makes a great beer.....oh and any beer with a nice head....love the way the foam flavors my mustache!


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