Saturday, January 31, 2009

Privatization of Virginia ABC Stores - An Update

A couple of weeks ago I alerted you to Senator Mark Obenshain's proposal to privatize Virginia's ABC Stores. Unfortunately, the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services killed the proposal today. Senator Obenshain's sent the following update:
Dear Friends,

This morning, a Senate subcommittee dealt ABC privatization a setback, but I'm not giving up. You can read about it here:

Although the Senate killed my bill this year, I see in this setback an opportunity -- a chance to work with interested parties across the Commonwealth to improve upon this legislation and continue the fight in the 2010 session. Please read my note to learn more, and don't give up. I won't!

This proposal is resonating with people across the Commonwealth; Democrats and Republicans alike know that this is not a legitimate role for state government.

I hope that you will continue to be a part of the movement for ABC privatization. Please take a moment to forward my note to your friends, and if you have yet to add me as a friend on Facebook, please do so today so that I can continue to share my thoughts with you, and benefit from yours, throughout the remainder of the 2009 session of the Virginia General Assembly and beyond.

With best regards,
Mark D. Obenshain
Virginia State Senator

P.S. Don't forget to read my new note on this subject!

The Senator says he will continue the fight to have Virginia "join the thirty-two other states that are already enjoying the benefits – to taxpayers and consumers – of private industry." The fight goes on. If you are a Virginia resident, I encourage you to follow the progress of this proposal at the Facebook link above.

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