Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Belgium Arrives in the East

Readers will recall my surprise at finding New Belgium Fat Tire being poured at the World Beer Festival in Durham last Fall. I noted that when I inquired about this incongruity, the reply was "Wait 90 days." Well, according to a press release posted at BeerAdvocate, the wishes of New Belgium Brewing fans are about to come true:
Fort Collins, CO - February 3, 2009 - New Belgium Brewing, makers of Fat Tire Amber Ale, is happy to announce that it's entering Tar Heel country. Beginning March 2, 22-ounce bombers of Fat Tire, 1554 and Mothership Wit will become available at grocers and beer and wine shops in Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville and Wilmington. By mid-April these same beers will be pouring in select bars.

"North Carolina is exciting for us as it marks our first foray along the eastern seaboard," said Bryan Simpson, spokesperson from New Belgium. "We're looking forward to engaging in a new community and getting our beers in front of North Carolina's savvy beer-drinking crowd."

This is exciting news for the East Coast. I can only hope that Virginia distribution is not far behind.

See the entire BeerAdvocate posting here.

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately my wife's family lives in Charlotte. So we make regular trips down that way. The next time I am down that way I'll have to be sure to pick up a few selections from New Belgium among my other favorites like Duck Rabbit, Terrapin and Founders.


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