Friday, May 8, 2009

National Homebrew Competition First Round Local Winners

The first round results of the National Homebrew Competition have been posted. In the South division there were a number of winners from Virginia, including several from right here in Fredericksburg. Final Round judging will take on June 18, 2009 during the AHA National Homebrewers Conference in Oakland, CA.

Category 3 European Amber Lager
2nd 3b Aaron Zaccagnino, John McCissick of Fredericksburg, VA, Global Brew Tribe

Category 5 Bock
2nd 5A Rick Garvin, Christine Johnbrier of McLean, VA, Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Category 7 Amber Hybrid Beer
1st 7C Greg Bruen of Troy, VA, Charlottesville Area Masters of Real Ale (CAMRA)
3rd 7A Greg Bruen of Troy, VA, Charlottesville Area Masters of Real Ale (CAMRA)

Category 10 American Ale
3rd 10C Douglas Griffin of Virginia Beach, VA

Category 11 English Brown Ale
2nd 11c Lyle Brown of Fredericksburg, VA, Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Category 13 Stout
Sponsored by Brew & Grow
2nd 13E Greg Bruen of Troy, VA, Charlottesville Area Masters of Real Ale (CAMRA)

Category 14 India Pale Ale (IPA)
3rd 14B John Van Itallie of Mechanicsville, VA, James River Homebrewers

Category 16 Belgian and French Ale
1st 16c Lyle Brown of Fredericksburg, VA, Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Category 22 Smoke-Flavored and Wood-Aged Beer
3rd 22b Brian Hershey, Megan Hershey of Fredericksburg, VA, Fredericksburg Brewing Insiders (FBI)

Category 23 Specialty Beer
1st 23A Rick Garvin, Christine Johnbrier of McLean, VA, Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Category 24 Traditional Mead
2nd 24A David Johnson of Lynchburg, VA, Hill City Homebrewer

Category 25 Melomel (Fruit Mead)
2nd 25c Aaron Zaccagnino, Barbra Zaccagnino of Fredericksburg, VA, Global Brew Tribe

Category 27 Standard Cider and Perry
3rd 27B Rick Garvin of McLean, VA, Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Congratulations to all the local winners. The complete First Round South Division Results can be seen here.

Tip of a the pint to the Fredericksburg Brewing Insiders for noting that the results had been posted.


  1. Just a FYI, if you can't make the AHA Conference in Oakland it will be broadcast over at The Brewing Network. Http:// Plus I believe they will have other broadcast with different brewers, clubs and other notables. Last year I listened in on their broadcast for the award ceremony.

  2. Thanks for the info Edmond. I'm sure many folks will be tuning in to see how the hometown folks do.


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