Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blue & Gray Brewery Closing, Temporarily

The move is on! The Blue & Gray Brewing Company will close its manufacturing and retail operations in their current location at 3321 Dill Smith Drive in Fredericksburg on Saturday, June 27th at 5pm. They will re-open at the new location, 3300 Dill Smith Drive, on Friday July 3rd for their "Value & Values Weekend". On Friday evening, July 3rd, the celebration, from 4-10pm, will include live entertainment, and an outdoor kitchen with a preview of the brewery's future pub food. They'll also have a pie-eating contest and a corn-shucking contest. The winner of each gets to eat and drink for free all day the next day during the 4th of July celebration.

More information on the celebratory events will be coming soon. You can also see some pictures and news of the brewery moving process at Blue & Gray's Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been down to their brewery, but I have heard good stuff. I hope the move goes well. Love the site, keep up the good work.


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