Friday, July 17, 2009

More 'Meet the Brewer' Opportunities

While we're quite fond of all of our local Virginia breweries and brewers, it's also a thrill to welcome brewers from distant states when they visit Virginia. Just a few weeks ago we got to meet Garrett Oliver at a Brooklyn Brewery beer dinner right here in Fredericksburg. And now, here are two more opportunities to meet brewers from distant states.

On Sunday, July 19, Patrick Rue from The Bruery in Orange County, CA will be visiting Mekong Restaurant in Richmond, VA. The Bruery's beers are new to Virginia and here's an opportunity to try out a few of them and meet Patrick as well. Restaurant owner An Meking says Patrick will be sharing his Orchard White, Black Orchard, Saison Rue and Trade Wind Triple beers. Contact the restaurant for more information.

On Wednesday, August 12, Allagash Brewing of Portland, ME will be featured at a beer dinner at the downtown Richmond Capital Ale House. Allagash head brewer and owner Rob Tod will be there to present an array of Allagash beers, expertly paired with delicious foods. Allagash specializes in bottle conditioned, Belgian-style beers. The $75 ticket price includes six beers (some of which have never been seen in Richmond), five courses, tax, gratuity, and souvenir glass. Online ticket information can be found here.

I'm checking my schedule now.


  1. I am thoroughly annoyed that I can't make the Bruery event.

    I was surprised... pleasantly... to see them in one of my local bottle shops today. They've been open, what, a year and a half? They have a very low output considering and yet are distributing to half the country. Amazing.

  2. I'm with you Dan. I wish I could make it to Mekong on Sunday as well. I haven't seen the Bruery beers around here yet.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Patrick Rue is also going to be at Once Upon a Vine South Sat (Today) from 3-6.


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