Sunday, October 11, 2009

Northern Virginia Brewfest Breweries Announced

The brewery list for the 2009 Northern Virginia Brewfest has been posted. Among the more than 50 breweries expected, nine are new to the festival this year, including Terrapin, Bittburger, Schneider Aventinus, Holy Brew and Gaffel.

The Northern Virginia Brewfest will take place October 24 and 25 at Bull Run Regional Park in Centreville, VA. Admission tickets, good for either day, are available at the gate or online. The NOVA Brewfest is, in my opinion, the premier Virginia beer festival, and one you shouldn't miss.

The complete participating brewery list is posted here.


  1. has anyone gone to these fests on a sunday? my friends and i couldn't get a pouring spot on saturday and have attended the last few on a saturday (not pouring), so we went with pouring on sunday 1st shift.

  2. I love beerfests. It is the season for it. I would love to hit one on the east coast. Enjoy.


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