Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuppers' Hop Pocket Ale - Finally!

It's here. Well, almost. This regional favorite is now in production full time at St. George Brewing Company in Hampton, VA. We got a teaser on Tuppers' Hop Pocket Ale last Spring, but it appears the long wait to see bottles is nearing an end. The Tuppers' web site tells us when we can expect it on the shelves:
... the schedule is set and we'll be brewing a nice steady stream of beer in 2010. For the present, St. George can't brew as much as Old Dominion was producing, but it's worth remembering that OD bought tanks and expanded the brewery several times in the decade we were with them. While it will be somewhat scarcer, you'll be able to find it in 2010 if you're willing to drive a bit to get it. When we revamp this website (that's also scheduled to be up and running sometime in January), we'll include a better feature to help you find it.

Read the complete Tuppers news release here.
Thanks to Tom Cizauskas for the heads up via Twitter.


  1. This is exceptionally good news. When I was first getting into beer I had a bottle so old that it was pretty much worthless. I didn't know its age at the time, but when I tried it at the Virginia Beer Festival at Cap Ale Midlo this past summer, it blew my mind. Such a good beer.

  2. On tap at the Green Leafe in Williamsburg, VA.


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