Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blue Gray Breweriana Show Starts Wednesday

The annual Blue Gray Breweriana Show starts February 10 and continues through Saturday, February 13. This year marks the 31st year for the annual Fredericksburg event. This year's show promises to be as exciting as ever as they celebrate the 75th anniversary of the beer can. In addition to endless displays of beer-related collectables, the gathering is also known for ongoing tastings of special beers sent by brewers from around the country. There will be beers brewed especially for the event, as well as beers generally not available outside of their home region.

It's not too late to register. Your registration gets you in every day of the show. See the web site for more information. For ongoing reports of the show, be sure to visit the Blue Gray Facebook page as well.

1 comment:

  1. [Looks outside at the sleet falling atop two feet of snow.....}

    You know........... no offence, mate, but......... I don't think so......


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