Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kybecca Will Consolidate Locations

From the kybecca blog:
As a result of Ukrop's closing kybecca has decided to consolidate the store at 4264 Plank Road with the original location at 400-402 William Street. Ukrop's was the anchor tenant that provided traffic and synergy, and their closing has made this location redundant. Our last day at the Plank Road store will be March 2, 2010.

The Plank Road kybecca was the closest place to my home to get good beer. The store's closing is disappointing, but not unexpected. With closing of Ukrop's the shopping center is without an anchor store. If recent Fredericksburg history is any indication, the old Ukrop's location will remain empty for a long time. Good beer, wine, and cheese can still be found at the downtown location, along with the kybecca wine bar.

See the entire press release here.


  1. Is that the shop which was in a mall on the way into Fredericksburg? If so that really is a shame as I liked it very much when there with Dan.

  2. That's the one. The other (original) location is in downtown Fredericksburg. My impression was always that this (closing) location had the better beer selection. I'm figuring it's a safe assumption that selection will carry over to the downtown shop.


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