Friday, April 30, 2010

Shooting Creek Brewing Video

Ray, over at Shooting Creek Brewery in Floyd, VA sent me a link to a great video featuring the brewery. Shooting Creek is making quite an impression in southwest Virginia. I've not had the opportunity to try out any of their beers yet, as they are only distributed in their local area. It would seem a road trip is in order. And soon.

The Shooting Creek Brewery from Dennis Frenier on Vimeo.

Please note that the brewery itself is not open for tours, but the beers are available in local markets.


  1. Fantastic video. Thanks David.

  2. Thanks for posting. Great video. Now where can I buy some of their beers?!

  3. Some answer to that given in the video. Mainly they are limited to their local area around Blacksburg. Capital Ale House in Richmond had it for an event once, but I don't think it's a "regular."

  4. I definitely enjoyed this video. Especially since I am fortunate enough to live in Roanoke, VA and have access to their beers. They are a great small, local brewery that is doing good things.


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