Friday, July 22, 2011

Highland St. Terese's Pale Ale

During our recent trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, we took the opportunity to try some new beers, and to revisit some old favorites. One of the beers we revisited this trip was Highland Brewing St. Terese's Pale Ale.

St. Terese's Pale Ale pours a golden-copper color with a short-lived white head. The aroma is faint, with mild notes of citrus and caramel. This American Pale Ale exhibits a good balance of bitter citrus with sweet malt flavor. The finish is slightly sweet and lingers in the mouth. Mouthfeel is thin with moderate carbonation

Highland's interpretation of the American Pale Ale is mild in comparison to some other popular pale ales, but that doesn't mean it's lacking in flavor or enjoyability. I seek out Highland Brewing beers every time we visit North Carolina, and St. Terese's Pale Ale is one of my favorites. At just 5.2% ABV it's not technically a session beer, but still on the low range for American Pale Ales. It's a perfect accompaniment to a sunny afternoon spent sitting on the deck overlooking the ocean waves.


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