Thursday, October 27, 2011

Examining Growler Laws

As recently reported, the Virginia ABC Board is reviewing its regulations for the first time in twenty years. Beside the aforementioned advertising restrictions, VABC is also considering proposals regarding growler sales. The proposal under consideration states:
The petitioner has requested that the board allow the use of growlers, reusable containers for the sale of beer, by gourmet shop licensees. Currently, only persons licensed to sell beer for both on- and off-premises consumption may sell beer in growlers, under the provisions of 3 VAC 5-40-40.
This change would make it possible for retailers to offer "draft" beer to customers to carry home. It would help make "draft-only" craft beers more readily available, and make it easier for Virginia's small brewers to make their products available to more people. Growlers are economical too, so this is a winning proposition!

The ABC board is accepting public comment through October 30, 2011.


  1. Cheers to a new law that you and I actually agree on!

    The inability to do this puts us at a competitive disadvantage to neighboring states. The legal change would put no new requirements on businesses but would allow more freedom, which most of them could accommodate with little or no capital.

  2. What was the outcome of this, anyone know?

    1. The law changed in 2012. Growler fills are allowed for off-premise consumption. This has been a great advantage to small brewers in Virginia and we are seeing more small breweries opening do to the leveling of the playing field.


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