Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sierra Nevada Looking At Virginia. Still.

We've mentioned a number of times the ongoing search for an East Coast brewery site by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company. The considerations appear to be between a Virginia location and the Asheville, NC area. In November there was speculation that Virginia was out of the running. We did hear the state mentioned in passing a few weeks ago. Now, a company representative has specifically stated that Virginia is still in contention.
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. could make a decision in early 2012 about opening an East Coast brewery, and Virginia remains in the running for the site, a spokesman for the company said this week. 
The Chico, Calif.-based maker of craft beers confirmed this year that it was scouting sites for an East Coast brewery and was considering Virginia. 
"We still have a handful of sites that we are looking at, some in Virginia and some in North Carolina and a couple of other places," said company spokesman Bill Manley, adding that he could not identify specific sites. 
If Virginia is selected, the brewery most likely would be built in the western half of Virginia, Manley said. He said the company has been looking at sites of about 50 acres with nearby rail access.

Of course, we'd prefer that Virginia was selected, but any East Coast site would be a welcome addition the local craft beer scene. It appears we won't have to wait much longer to hear the decision.

See "Virginia in running for craft brewery."

1 comment:

  1. I know that most craft brewing people like Sierra Nevada. But I've never thought they were anything exceptional.


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