Saturday, December 31, 2011

Would You Shop Here?

Imagine this sign hanging on the door of a business. Good guys would be safe here. Bad guys not so much. That's just the way it should be.

Contrast the business owner that would post that sign, with the management of Circle K stores. A Florida store was being held up by armed thugs, and one of them was urging her accomplice to shoot the clerk. The clerk reacted in defense of his life and tackled the robber. As a result the clerk was fired for his actions. Apparently Circle K considers their employees to be no more than expendable collateral, while wishing for the well-being of armed criminals.

Welcome sign available here.


  1. I worked in a convenience store years ago. They had a strict 'no gun' policy. What they didn't know didn't hurt them.

  2. Guffaw, that's a good motto for dealing with anti-freedom locations.

  3. If I had to work in one, I'd certainly be armed. They aren't called Stop 'n Robbed for nothing. Not doing business with Circle K any more.

  4. The company I work for has a no concealed weapons policy. Seriously. How they can enforce that I have no idea. Additionally in the employee handbook it states that guns are not permitted in cars parked in the parking lot. Nonsense.

  5. Also - getting one of those signs for my wife's store. Awesome.

  6. That will be one safe place of business. :-)


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