Monday, January 30, 2012

Espresso Oak Aged Yeti

Table for Two
I was killing some time in the local beverage store Friday afternoon, looking for some interesting beers to bring home, when I spied Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. Ah, the memories this brewery invokes. There was a time when I regularly travelled to Denver. I always looked forward to visiting the tasting room at Great Divide, and in fact that would be my first stop each evening before dinner. I've long been a fan of Yeti stout and have enjoyed the "standard" Yeti, the Oak Aged Yeti, and the Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti. I've not had the espresso-enhanced version. Needless to say, a bottle found its way home with me.

Espresso Oak Aged Yeti pours as black as night with a thick, mousse-like beige head. The aromas of dark roast coffee and dark chocolate greet the nose immediately. The head fairly quickly drops leaving behind a thin layer, but lots of lacing on the glass. The flavor is what I've come to expect from Yeti — rich, roasted notes, mildly bitter with a lingering, mild bitterness. The espresso addition may have enhanced the flavor a bit, but it isn't as prominent as I expected, and even hoped for.

Despite Spring-like weather, with temperatures in the 70's, I was looking forward to this dark, Winter-like treat. The bottle never even made it to the basement, but was served the same evening at room temperature. We enjoyed relaxing with our snifters of Yeti Stout. It was a great way to unwind after a busy week.

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