Sunday, February 12, 2012

Beer Bottle Chandelier

I guess this qualifies as one of those gifts for the beer fan who has everything. makes beer bottle enhanced sconces and chandeliers. The lights are decorative frames that hold beer bottles which are illuminated from behind. Since you supply the beer bottles, I suppose the colors and designs are limited only by your beer preferences.

They're a little rich for my bank account, but if any of my friends decide to order, I'll be happy to help you furnish it.

See more designs here.

(I have association with the company. Simply reporting what I find interesting.)


  1. I find a chandelier made of the corpses of dead soldiers unseemly. Empty beer bottles make me sad. We should have a moment of silence. "All gave some; some gave all"

    1. Empty bottles are reminders of good times. :-)


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