Thursday, February 2, 2012

Devils Backbone and the 5th Tuesday

I've previously posted about the new Devils Backbone production brewery. This week I got to experience the benefit of the expanded distribution of the brewery's beers. Devils Backbone was the featured brewery for Tuesday's Steal the Glass Night at Capital Ale House. I rarely get to take advantage of this weekly event, as I have prior and regular commitments on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday evenings of every month. But the January calendar had five Tuesdays! On top of that, I was taking a couple days of vacation this week. And, on top of that again, Devils Backbone! What more could I ask?

Two beers were featured, Vienna Lager and Eight Point IPA. I opted for the IPA. It was served in a nice looking logo glass, which I "stole." The beer was a golden amber in color with a small head. Copious, and very sticky lacing was left behind on the glass as I enjoyed my drink. The mild aroma was floral hops and malt. I was suffering with a head cold, so my perceptions were likely a bit muted. The flavor was well-balanced. The beer was not too bitter but had a refreshing citrus and floral hop bite to it.

Needless to say I was excited to get a chance to try the Devils Backbone beer, and to enjoy a rare Tuesday evening at Capital Ale House's STG Night.


  1. Arrrggg! I haven't had a beer for a month. And I'll be passing Frederick tomorrow evening... Maybe I should have an early Fat Tuesday before Lent begins.

  2. If you're passing thru Fredericksburg, CAH certainly will give you plenty of option for that long-awaited beer. Now if you do mean Frederick, that's Maryland, but the two are often confused in name.


    1. Brewer's Alley in Frederick, MD. Just 5 min off the highway. But in thinking about it, Friday evening is not a good time to go because parking is tough. The old section of town really hops on Friday night.

      I saw you mentioned Corcoran when it opened - have you sampled? I'm not far from there...

    2. OIC.

      I've heard good things about Brewer's Alley. Have not made it to Corcoran yet. I tend to do my drinking VERY close to home. :-)

    3. And that is why God made growlers...

  3. Sounds really good. I need to get me another good IPA. I haven't had one in a while.

  4. Glad I could inspire. :-) I'm a big fan of IPAa myself.


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