Monday, July 23, 2012

Misdirected Blame

Some people choose to blame criminal activity on inanimate objects:

(Source CBS)

Instead of placing the blame where it rightly falls, on the human criminal:

(Source AP Photo/Denver Post, RJ Sangosti)

Which one scares you more?

"Once again, we see that “gun free zones” are hunting preserves for psychopaths who prey on humans." --Massad Ayoob


  1. Very well stated my friend! It never ceases to amaze me that people never want to blame people. I never had one gun yet that killed anyone on it's own. My theory: Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.

    1. The irrational hoplophobes are just as dangerous as the criminals. I see no difference between a man who tries to restrict a woman's right to defend herself from a rapist and the rapist himself.


  2. Well that depends, if your normal person(people who read your blogs & ones like it), it's quite obvious which is more scary. if you you are a Brady/Feinstein type then the evil guns are far scarier because the wacko doesn't scare them, they just want to feel sorry for his bad childhood, poor grades, no girlfriends, bad hairday or whatever.

    1. Well said Mark. I could have also asked which group of people scare me more!



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