Thursday, July 12, 2012

Weekly Range Trip Report

We're quite fortunate to be able to get in regular trips to the range. (Which reminds me, I need to order more ammo.) Some visits are longer than others, but any time to get in some shooting is good. This week we managed to squeeze in a quick late afternoon trip. After shooting recently in near, or over, 100° temperatures, some time shooting in mere 88° weather with slightly overcast skies was truly a blessing. Surprisingly, we had the whole park to ourselves, which was most unexpected given the pleasant weather.

One this trip we worked a bunch on weak hand and strong hand only shooting. We also shot from the kneeling position. It's quite amazing how much dropping to a knee as you draw can affect your aim. I'll have to work on that some more.

On this trip I also took the time to shoot some ammo we had received for review from the folks at That review is posted over at the Gabriel Possenti Shooters site if you're interested.

As is so often is the case, the range ground was covered with brass that previous shooters had neglected to pick up. The club is quite clear on the rules for picking up brass, and it's sad that there are so many shooters who think they are above policing their brass. This trip we also found some less common calibers; a bunch of .40 S&W and probably a hundred .380 ACP casings. Interestingly the .380 was mostly found back between the 15-20 yard lines; not quite the expected range for practice with a pocket pistol. Although it will mean a couple extra steps in the sorting process, we'll use it as well for funding future ammo purchases.

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