Thursday, August 2, 2012

Today's Lesson

I always usually carry a folding knife with me. I use it for everything from opening packages to cutting up a lunchtime apple. Today I received the package shown below. The envelope was wrapped in multiple layers of reinforced strapping tape. I wasn't going to be tearing this one open by hand. After registering my amazement at the packaging method, I reached for the knife that should be in my pocket, and it was not there. I somehow forgot to load it up this morning when I left for work.

This wasn't an emergency, but it made me think. You can't predict when you'll need a tool, be it your knife, a flashlight, or even a gun. It's easy to be complacent and head out unprepared for an emergency. In my case I didn't check that I had everything I usually carry before I left the house. The knife is something I use frequently, and this time when I needed it, my carelessness caught up and it wasn't there. I didn't even realize I didn't have it until I needed it. It certainly wasn't a crises that I couldn't get into the package right then. But it was a reminder. Be prepared. Carry your tools.


  1. Knives represent a large part of my "normal carry items". Typically I have no less than three on meat any given day. Just like checking to see the chambers are full, I check the knives too. Blades offer a great alternative to a handgun (providing you are trained well),,,in a crowded environment I won't have to worry about a stray bullet. In a typical CQC situation you will most likely meet me with a blade first. I have total confidence in my abilities with a blade.

    It never hurts to double check! Good topic.

  2. My solution is to drop pocket knives like Johnny Appleseed. One stays on my desk at work, one lives in my car, one in my pocket, and there's a couple of them somewhere around here in the house.

    1. Good idea. I needed an excuse to pickup more folders. ;-)

  3. Lol, I am like a walking knives store. I usually have 3. 2 are more specific to self defense and the other is like yours...multi-purpose. I feel naked without them.

    Good idea though to have them stashed around different places.

    1. You all make me feel so deficient, I try to have one on me; concealed but readily available. I'm going to have to place some spares around to keep up. :-)

  4. Rule 9.


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