Friday, September 28, 2012

Missing Mom

It was two years ago today that I lost my mother. Two years, and not a day goes by that there is not some near sub-conscience moment when I don't expect to hear from her, or think of something to share with her. And then I am jolted back to reality, with the pain of her absense. And I think, does it ever go away? But then I get a smile remembering some bit of the past; some random fun, and funny, moment with mom.

I was wandering a local store recently trying to find a clerk to ring up my sale. What is with stores that don't man the cash registers? I was flashed back to a time as a kid when mom couldn't find someone to help her in a store. She went right behind the counter and started checking herself out. We got assistance real fast! Of course, as a kid I was mortified. Last week that was a fond memory that brought a smile to my face.

Every time I hold a door for a lady walking behind me, I recall another mom-ism. I remember her answering a phone survey about feminism and she told the caller that she "expected men to carry large jars of pickles" for her. I am sure the surveyor was perplexed by that off-the-wall example. It turns out that on that day mom was hauling one of those restaurant sized jars of pickles to her car and was assisted by a gentlemen in her struggle, and she related that in her reply.

Well, it's been two years, and I still have a large box of photos and other memorabilia sitting in my hallway that I just haven't gone through. Perhaps it's time to get into that. I bet I'll find some things to induce many more funny memories.

Mom, I love you and I miss you!


  1. I'm sorry your Mom is gone. I lost mine 5 years ago after a 2 year battle. I don't think you ever get over it. You adjust, because it's the normal way of things, but the loss of parents is a loss that never goes away. And I know that even after 5 years sometimes something will hit one of us and we burst into tears from the pain of Mom's loss.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. I will pray for the repose of her soul.


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