Saturday, October 6, 2012

Five Years of Musing

Today marks the five year anniversary of Musings Over a Pint. It doesn't really seem that long ago, but I even did the math a couple of times to be sure. :-) It's been a fun run, and it continues to be. I've met many wonderful folks and had some fun experiences as a result of putting my ramblings to paper, er, bits. To everyone who reads these Musings, you have my heartfelt appreciation and thanks.

Musings Over a Pint has gone through some changes over the years. The content has evolved to more accurately reflect who I am. Initially the content focused almost exclusively on craft beer, specifically in Virginia, and even more specifically the Fredericksburg region. Together we watched Virginia become a craft beer powerhouse. My enjoyment of craft beer is strictly as a consumer. Good beer is a good food that I enjoy very much, if not as often as I'd like. I don't work in the industry, nor do I home brew. I simply share my thoughts as one fan to another.

Frankly, as much as I love craft beer, if that's all I get to talk about, it gets boring. I occasionally muse on my feelings regarding faith and politics. That upsets some folks. Someone once told me that politics "has no place in craft beer." I'm not even sure how to parse that, having missed that warning label on the beer bottles.

I also use this blog as as a journal of my adventures in the pistol shooting sports. This is an interest that I've had for not quite four years, but one that provides me much enjoyment and takes up a significant of amount of my "free" time. As with craft beer, I'm interested solely as a "consumer." I'm far from an expert but I hope that by sharing my experiences, someone else will benefit, or at least be entertained. I've enjoyed meeting many upstanding folks through the shooting sports. Oddly enough, very often when I meet Musings readers at shooting events they want to talk about beer!

So, here we are, five years later. That's 1347 posts and some 1853 comments later. But those are just numbers. What matters to me is the chance to laugh or vent, and to share fun experiences. I've also gotten to do some things that I probably wouldn't have it if wasn't for exposing my thoughts in these Musings. But what is most important are the interesting and fun people I've met, in person or virtually, through this blog.

I guess I'll keep doing it for a little while longer.


  1. *snerk*
    You said "musings"...

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. From well to your left in politics, but your brother-in-beer: Well done!

  3. Thanks guys. Appreciate hearing from two folks I was privileged to meet thanks to this blog.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks John. I stand humbled by your post count!

  5. Congrats!

    And about that free time stuff: where do you get it? Is there a store where you can buy it?

    1. Free time: The time I ignore chores and go shooting.

  6. Congratulations!!!! Haven't been here for the full 5 years, but I love it here!

    1. Thanks AGirl, glad you enjoy visiting. Cheers.


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