Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kilkenny's Pub, Knock

One of the pubs we visited during our pilgrimage to Ireland was Kilkenny's Pub in Knock. Located on the main street, just a couple of blocks from the Marian Shrine, we discovered it during our quest for lunch. Kilkenney's was established in 1888, and the owner is the fourth generation to run the pub. We enjoyed a long conversation with the proprietor and his wife. They also run a B&B next door.

The pub offers a limited food menu, including breakfast served all day. Our son opted for a pepperoni pizza that was very delicious. The other food item offered was described as a "ham and cheese sandwich with onion and tomato, with fries." And this is where I learned a lesson about ordering food. I asked for "the ham sandwich" and another member of our group asked for the "ham sandwich with fries." When our food arrived, we received exactly what we asked for, a ham sandwich, a ham and cheese sandwich, and the ham sandwich with fries. My lunch may have been the only meal the entire trip that did not involve potatoes.) The food was all very well-prepared and quite tasty. We had a laugh about our orders, remembering that the priest who was the spiritual leader on the trip often reminds us that "Words mean things." As we would see other places as well, the pubs here will prepare your meal as you want it.

At this stop I decided to take a break from the Guinness I'd been enjoying so far on the trip and ordered a Smithwick's Ale. The beer looked as good as it tasted. I've had Smithwick's in the States, but I found the "local" version to be much more tasty. Perhaps it was the environment adding to my enjoyment.

We enjoyed a long conversation with the very friendly proprietors, discussing their pub, the Irish economic situation, US and Irish politics, and various other issues. Unfortunately, we had too little time to spend in Kilkenny's, a theme that would be repeated often during the trip. Fortunately, there would be other pubs and sights to explore.


  1. I found the same thing when I was in England and Jamaica. Red Stripe is better on the island with fresh jerk chicken purchased from a cart on the beach. British beers are better at a real English pub (though I confess my favorite beer that trip was an Irish cream ale).

    1. There's certainly something to be said about the environment you're drinking in. That, and beer that hasn't been bottled and well-travelled!



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