Thursday, December 13, 2012

Devils Backbone Kilt Flasher

Photo by Colleen
A few weeks ago we were dining at Park Lane Tavern and saw a sign for an upcoming "Steal the Glass" night featuring Kilt Flasher Scottish Ale from Devils Backbone Brewing. I marked the date on my calendar, and Wednesday returned for an evening of good beer and food. I was soon joined by wife and son, and also Checkered Flag who drove down from Northern Virginia to join our little party.

The Kilt Flasher was served in a Devils Backbone logo glass. I've got one other of these glasses from another event and it's a nice glass, easy to hold and good looking too. The souvenir glass was an added bonus to the good beer. Kilt Flasher is a dark reddish-brown in color with a sturdy beige head. The aroma is sweet malt caramel with some earthy undertones. The slightly sweet taste has some nuttiness and a hint of bitter hops. A sweet malt flavor remains in the finish. The 8% ABV makes this one a sipper, though the alcohol is well-masked. A long, relaxed meal gave me time to enjoy a couple pints of this seasonal release.

We started our meal with the pub's Tavern Chips. The crispy house-made potato chips are topped with cheddar cheese, bacon, scallions and BBQ sauce. The bacon and sweet BBQ sauce went quite well with the malty beer. And then in a fine example of the diversity of beer and food pairing, we proved to ourselves that the beer goes just as well with spicy Tavern Wings.

The good beer and food provided a fun, and tasty, mid-week diversion.


  1. I hope we’ll be seeing it north of the Fred… That is some good stuff.


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