Monday, January 28, 2013

One Dog Night

After spending the day in the cold, I did what only seemed natural, I warmed up with a good beer. This time I opened the beer fridge and spied a bottle of Flying Dog Road Dog Porter right in the front. The bottle has probably been hiding in there for a while, but it worked it's way to the front at the opportune time.

Road Dog Porter pours a translucent dark brown, showing ruby-red at the edges, and with a prominent beige head. The aroma of coffee and dark chocolate is backed by citrus notes. Tasting the beer brings roasted coffee and bitter sweet chocolate. The mouthfeel is on the thin side, with bitter hops and a hint of smoke left in the aftertaste.

I enjoyed sipping on the porter as we discussed the events of the day. However exhaustion was creeping up on me faster than my glass was emptying. I soon found myself nodding off while holding my not quite empty glass of beer. A few last sips and it was time to head off the bed. Sleep came fast and deep.

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