Friday, January 18, 2013

That Plan Sounds Familiar

Tam hits right at the core of the obama-drones' blind adoration:
Wayne LaPierre goes and says we need to worry about crazy people with guns, fund better school security, and enforce existing laws & prosecute the people who break them, and the Anti-Gun crowd mocks him as a disconnected pro-gun zealot tool of the firearms industry. 
Barack Obama commissions a study group headed by the vice president, and then holds a press conference stating that we need to worry about crazy people with guns, fund better school security, and enforce existing laws & prosecute the people who break them, and the Anti-Gun crowd acclaims him as a charismatic visionary taking a bold and sweeping step forward.

It makes you wonder if they care more about saving lives or simply worshipping The One.

Maybe LaPierre just didn't choose the right props.


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