Thursday, February 14, 2013

Revisiting An Old Favorite

One of the joys of keeping a lot of beers on hand is that I never know what forgotten treasure will work its way to the front of the refrigerator shelves. Recently, Colleen and I were standing in front of the open fridge, trying to decide just what we beer we were in the mood for. She spied a bottle of Dominion Oak Barrel Stout, while I grabbed a New Belgium Snow Day.

I carried the bottles upstairs and poured the stout first. As much as I have been enjoying the Snow Day recently, as soon as I saw that rich dark beer and creamy beige head, and took a good sniff of the aroma, I changed my selection. Fortunately there was another bottle to be had.

As noted, Oak Barrel Stout beer pours jet black with a beige head. The aroma is that of dark chocolate and roasted malt, with faint vanilla notes. The taste is rich in roasted malt and espresso with a touch of smokiness. The mouthfeel is creamy and there's a lingering, and pleasing, mild bitterness left behind.

I recall Dominion Oak Barrel being one of my early "discoveries" when I started exploring the world of craft beer. Of course, that was when Old Dominion Brewing was still in the "Old Dominion." I can remember distinctly enjoying draft pints of this beer, and a huge plate of nachos, at a local pub many years ago. It's interesting what memories, and distinctly vivid memories at that, can be invoked by a simple glass of beer.

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