Saturday, March 23, 2013

Poverty Alleviation Programme

It's tempting. Don't you agree?
Kind Attn: Sir/Madam,

Congratulation Your email address has won you sum of Six Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds in the ongoing UN Poverty Alleviation Program, To Promote and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of cutting poverty in half by 2015.

However, Your email was attached to ticket number (7PAPZ2013) and ballot number (UT: 12052006/13 

To claim your UNDP Donation award fund, Kindly fill your claims by contacting the concern UN Poverty Alleviation Processing Manager.


Contact Person: Mr. Havvlin Berthod
Phone: +44 871 915 6062
Fax: +44 871 237 9590

Congratulation Once Again.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Helen Clark.
Chief International Administrator. 

United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).

Seems legit. It's from the U.N. after all.


  1. Answer and tell them you're Joe Biden.

    Give them his address, and the phone number for the white house.


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