Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Inter-Rain Range Trip

As I was enjoying a cup of coffee Sunday after Mass, it started raining pretty hard outside, and I could hear thunder in the distance. Dang I thought, are my plans to get in some shooting today being kiboshed?

When one's in need of some group therapy, a little rain won't be a hindrance. Besides, the inclement weather might keep the crowds away. At a break in the showers I quickly loaded the car and headed out. As expected, the range was empty when I arrived. My main goal for the day, besides just having fun, was to practice my reloads and target transitions. Setting up three targets, I shot either one or two shots on each target, performed a reload, and repeated the same shot sequence.

The sun came out for a short time

Since it was practice, I started really pushing to see fast I could get the shots off, and quickly move between targets. Two destroyed target holder clips, and a broken target stick later, I had a good idea what that speed limit was! Dialing it back I finished my drills, and got in bit of "just shooting" too. After a fun 200 rounds I decided to pack it up and head home as I noticed the skies were starting to darken again.

After cleaning up at home, I opened a good beer, and put some steaks on the grill. (Did you expect anything else?) That's when the rain started up again. Even though I finished my grilling duties in the rain, I was happy to be able to get in a bit of fun between the passing storms.

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