Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sam Adams Goes PC

"Political Correctness," an insipid ideology that leads to a weakening of conviction. It also requires no small amount of hypocrisy on the part of those who pursue such a doctrine. The beer company that lays claim to the name of the Founding Father Samuel Adams, has shown they are not immune to the trap of political correctness.

Boston Brewing Company used the Declaration of Independence to promote their beer in an ad that ran on July 4. Even though it wasn't a direct quote, they conspicuously opted to leave out the words "endowed by their Creator."

Quoting the "guidelines" of the Beer Institute Advertising Code, Boston Brewing states "Beer advertising and marketing materials should not include religion or religious themes." The feigned moral superiority notwithstanding, the Declaration of Independence does include the text the brewer opted to omit. The hypocrisy of their claimed attachment to history and freedom is blatantly obvious.

I wonder if Sam Adams will still accept payment in US currency bearing the words "In God We Trust."


  1. The real Sam Adams would pound them into the bricks. Then fly their skivvies from the flagpole.

    1. TCA, it is ironic isn't it? But hypocrisy is the realm of the weak, certainly not those who seek to align themselves with freedom.

  2. Not for nothing, but the commercial was a paraphrasing and while I don’t generally approve of the omission of religious references for the sake of not offending certain people, I am not sure we should even be concerned with this one.

  3. I suppose stuff like this wouldn't be so irritating if I wasn't constantly wondering when folks will give a mumble mumble about the sensitivities of faithful Catholics.

    1. In my best obama voice: "You don't matter Christian."


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