Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dominion Candi - Tasting Gold

I was going through the various newsfeed I follow yesterday evening and came across several headlines like this one, "Dominion Brewing Candi Belgian Tripel Takes The Gold." I then remembered that I had a couple bottles the brewery had sent last Fall and I never got around to trying out. After digging around in the basement a bit, I found them. What better time than now to open them and find out what the judges in Denver liked? Is there a better excuse to have a beer?

Dominion Candi Belgian-Style Tripel pours a bright copper-marmalade color with a thick, but short-lived white head. Immediately during the pour, I could detect the rich aroma of Belgian yeast, bread and honey. The flavor is a mix of clove, yeasty bread and sweet fruit with just a hint of alcohol burn. There's a hint of happiness that comes through near the end as well. Carbonation is on the low side. The mouthfeel is moderately "thick." The finish leaves a dry, lingering sweetness behind.

At 9.5% ABV, Candi is a sipper, especially on a "school night." During our tasting, Colleen asked if we were drinking a high alcohol beer. When I answered in the affirmative, she replied, "Huh, I don't get that burning aftertaste like so many high alcohol beers." It's true, while I could detect a bit of alcohol in the taste, it doesn't burn.

Candi is, as one can deduce from the label, part of Dominion's "Pinup" series. It's available seasonally on draft and in Dominion’s Pinup variety 12-Pack. Despite my lateness in getting to the review, you can still find the variety pack on store shelves.

The beer reviewed here was a promotional sample from the brewery. My impressions are provided of my own free will.


  1. I'm not sure if I've said this already here, but OD's Morning Glory Espresso Stout, another part of the series, was a let-down. The alcoholic burn was very present.

    I'm not sure if I'd enjoy Tripels. I just tried my first sour last weekend, which was quite the experience.

    Do you have any favorite Belgian styles?

  2. I tend to enjoy that alcohol burn. :-) I'm found of the Belgian Strong Dark Ales. Try Brooklyn Brewey Local 2 for an easy to find Belgian style beer.


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