Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When Is a Cube Not a Cube?

When it's an ice "cube" produced by Suntory Whisky. The Japanese whisky maker is running a campaign featuring what are billed as 3D Printed Ice Cubes.

While the computer engineered ice is certainly attractive, I'm not sure how practical it really ice for chilling your whiskey. But, hey, it's advertising!

Aren't ice cubes 3D by definition?


  1. I think whiskey stones, and other such cooling devices, are impractical and unnecessary. A couple of tablespoons of water actually enhances the flavor of whiskey.

    1. If I do chill the whisky with an ice cube I usually remove it before it begins to melt much.

  2. I know I'm weird,but I actually think whisky tastes better at room temperature,and besides,you don't water it down when the ice melts.
    In fact,once I (we) spent an afternoon in the hot tub,with a bottle of scotch floating in the water,taking turns till it was gone and the sun went down.What a relaxing day!

    1. Most of the time I neither chill nor add water. I do prefer the pure, unadulterated intensity -- especially the peat-rich whiskies. But then again, my favorite beer style is the Double IPA.


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