Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Media Bias

Is there a better indicator of leftist media narrative against guns than this headline on the Chicago Tribune web site?

The accompanying article does go on to mention that the Hollywood liberal woman-hater killed half his victims by stabbing, but apparently that wasn't important enough to affect the headline. It's quite interesting that all the killer's stabbing victims died, while less than half the people he shot were killed. Still, the focus is on the gun. Of course, the source of the murderer's rage, the fact that he was raised in a pornography-worshipping culture which teaches that women only exist for a man's sexual gratification, doesn't get a mention at all.

The idea among California men males of murdering women for refusing their sexual advances seems to be not uncommon.


  1. Hammer, machete, and Mercedes. I think we should ban them all - they're deadly.

    1. In every case it was a human doing the killing. Let's ban people!

  2. The only good thing to come from this situation is the revelation of just how little the gun control crowd cares about any other victims besides the ones that advance their agenda to restrict the 2nd amendment.

    1. They are more interested in control than safety.


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