Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's in a Name?

What does "Musings Over a Pint" mean? To me, it brings forth thoughts of sitting around with friends, good beer in hand, talking, laughing, pontificating, about anything of interest. It's not wholly unexpected that one thinks first of beer when hearing the blog name. In fact, the first three years or so of this blog was devoted almost exclusively to that topic. And frankly the task of writing on a single topic became, well, boring. Those that read regularly know that besides good craft beer, it's God, family, country, and the shooting sports that top my interests.

Recently, one of my long-time Twitter followers dropped my feed. He's a passionate craft beer fan, and frequently "retweeted" my beer-related posts. Personally, I would still enjoy his conversations even though we are of different political views. However, his leaving is not an uncommon reaction among craft beer-only fans. Though frankly, I'm not aware of any shooter who's ever gotten upset over my choice in beer (though they frequently don't understand it.) The header at the top of this page was created specifically as fair warning to the more sensitive types. Staying around to be offended by these Musings is self-inflicted.

Selfishly, these Musings are written by me, for me. I enjoy the reminiscing that happens while writing the posts. Very frequently I go back and read older posts just to relive a good time. I don't see that changing. The craft beer reports aren't going away. The shooting range reports aren't going away. The Catholic commentary isn't going away. The occasional right-side commentary isn't going away. More often than not, those subjects even come up within the same post.

Sitting at a pub with family or friends enjoying a beer is still one of my favorite pastimes. And if I'm sitting around with true friends, those are the topics we're most likely discussing. So have a seat, and a pint, and join in the musing.

As a side note, it's interesting to me, that the leading all-time most popular post in these Musings is the Starfire .380 Ammo Review from 2012. Something ammo distributors might take note of. ;-)


  1. I appreciate your candor. I blog primarily about beer, but I've also mentioned Bible passages on my blog when I became bored with the craft world. Thank you for your posts!

  2. I find your musings to be quite informative and entertaining and am about to recommend your blog to someone else.

    If someone is offended by the mild things that you cover......that is one very thin skin.

  3. Thanks friends. Glad you all are here. :-)


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