Thursday, December 11, 2014

Forcing the Options Towards Good Beer

Twice a month I head off to a meeting of like-minded Catholic men who serve the community and Church. After the business of the evening is completed, food and beverages are set out. The kitchen crew prides itself on the good food, but he beer selection is often lacking. It typically consists of the usual suspects one sees at such a gathering; Miller Lite, Stella Artois, and the occasional Yuengling Lager. I can get by with the Yuengling but would enjoy something different. I am sure many of the other men would as well, but the "buyer" is stuck in his ways.

This week I had a last minute thought before I left for the meeting and filled a six-pack carrier with some beers from my fridge. I opted to stick with "easy" beers such as New Belgium Fat Tire and Brooklyn Lager. My thought was to stick with a similar style, but introduce some new labels.

When it came for the social part of the meeting, I found myself near the end of the line. I watched as other men were digging through the beer cooler and grabbing the bottles I had added. I feared there wouldn't be any left for me. I did eventually retrieved the last bottle of Fat Tire for myself.

I overheard comments like "Where did this come from?" and "Good beer!" I've been thinking it would be worth donating a six pack or two for a few weeks to continue to build up the demand. Eventually, folks will come to expect it, even though there will always be the hard core Miller Lite fan.

The one wrench in the works is I was told the existing stock of Lite and Stella would need to be finished before the supply was restocked. Might be time for a little more subterfuge.

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