Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas Day and now begins our celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord. We kicked off our celebration with the Vigil Mass last evening, after which the final tree decorations were hung and last minute gifts were wrapped. Then it was finally time to relax and enjoy some snacks (Pickled Herring) and a good beer (vintage 2008 Tröegs Mad Elf). I always look forward to the peacefulness of Christmas Eve evening, however brief it may be. Finally the hectic preparations are done (or finished as well as they are going to be).

I wish you and your family a most blessed and holy Christmas. I pray that the joy of this season continues for you throughout the coming year. While it seems to the world around us is in turmoil, and frankly I fear the worse is yet to come, at least for a bit we can stop and reflect on the promise of peace that will come to us in time, perhaps not now, but in eternity if we prepare well.

Here's wishing you and yours a year of peace, prosperity and happiness. And of course, a year filled with good friends, tasty beer and fun times on the range too.

Merry Christmas!

Birthplace of Jesus, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
Photo by C. Turley, August 2010
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

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