Thursday, January 15, 2015

Flying Dog Doppelbock

This was another of the review samples I received recently from Flying Dog BreweryBrewhouse Rarities Doppelbock was the last in the limited release series for 2014.

Flying Dog Doppelbock was poured into the cool Flying Dog glasses we "stole" last month. It pours a dark, but translucent copper color. There's a thick beige head that is relatively short lived. The aroma has some caramel notes but is quite faint. The flavor has dark fruit notes with a roasted overtone. There's also a hint of bitter hops at the end. Most notably the beers leaves a sweet stickiness on the lips, but there's no cloying sweetness in the flavor.

In somewhat of a twist for Flying Dog, this beer was pretty much on style, without any twists, other than perhaps a bit of extra hop bite. I found it quite tasty and enjoyable on a cold Winter evening. This review may be short, but there's not much else to say; it's simply a well done Dopplebock.  I'd like to find a bit more to help get through the rest of the Winter.

The beer reviewed here was a promotional sample from the brewery. My impressions are provided of my own free will.


  1. Your review just made me thirsty!
    Flying Dog is one of my favorite brewers, although I have not tried the Dopplebock. Wonder if I can still find some....

    1. I'm wondering the same thing myself. I'll hit the local store this weekend in search of some more.


  2. I live vloser to them but you get a better variety of their beers...

    1. Many years ago I made an offhand comment about not liking some of their beers ( they saw it and offered review samples. I used to go to Denver for work and visited with them a few times before their move to MD. They still send samples to keep me convinced. :-) Samples or not, they are one of my favorite breweries as well.

      And I've yet to visit them in MD. But that's mostly because it's Maryland.


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