Saturday, June 6, 2015

Flying Dog Counter Culture Ale

The term "counter culture" may well describe the attitude of the folks behind Flying Dog beers. However the new Counter Culture Ale from the Maryland brewery turns that around, and goes counter to all we've come to expect from Flying Dog Brewery.

Counter Culture Ale pours an attractive ruby-copper color with a persistent beige head. No citrusy, or hop-forward beer this one, the aroma is full of rich malt and dark fruit, plum and raisons come to mind. The flavor is heavy malt and biscuit. There's a bit of citrus bitterness but the bready malt predominates. I also get a Pilsener-like crispness at the finish. The ABV is noted at a low 4.3 moderate 6.0%.

I enjoyed this beer quite a bit. The flavor profile is unique and hard to describe. In some ways it reminded me of a Wee Heavy, and also of an Old Ale, with a smattering of Dunkelweizen tossed in. In fact, Flying Dog makes it a point to not put a style label on the beer.

We've come to expect, and love, the big, bold, brash hop-forward beers from Flying Dog. This one takes a new turn; malty and balanced, though still robustly flavored. Even the label art moves away from the outrageous and often risqué graphics we're familiar with. Long-time Flying Dog artist Ralph Steadman provides his interpretation of Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" to adorn the bottle. Counter Culture Ale might be best described as the anti-Flying Dog beer.

The beer reviewed here was a promotional sample from the brewery. My impressions are provided of my own free will.


  1. Replies
    1. Odd, not sure where I read 4.3%, though I am pretty sure that was what was on the flyer accompanying the sample. Thanks for the correction.


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